Our Goal
Our History
Our Leadership
Our Partners
Our Goal
We’re committed to the idea that “It takes a village,” so we aim to help members of our community help each other. Given today’s circumstances, one paycheck or emergency can determine whether or not our neighbors can put food on their table. That’s why we’re here— to make sure that they can.
So where do we get our food?
Our main sources include: The Northeast Regional Food Bank, food rescue and harvesting programs, local businesses and donations from the community.
Visit our Get Involved page to learn more about how you can become a part of our work!
Our History
Founded in 1990 by the Reverend Deacon Judy Borzomato, the Rondout Valley Food Pantry has been dedicated to serving our community for over 30 years.
The pantry began in the basement of Christ the King Episcopal Church’s rectory, funded by parishioner donations and Deacon Judy’s discretionary funds.
Over the years, the pantry has evolved into a much larger, independent entity and is registered as of 2009 as a charitable 501(c)3 organization in the State of New York.
Our Leadership
Program Coordinators
General Distribution Program: Susan Bruck
Weekend Backpack Program: Lorraine Waitman
Summer Breakfast/ Lunch Program: Susan Philliber
Holiday Basket Program: Susan Bruck
Children’s Holiday Baskets: Ginger Whispell & Susan Bruck
Snack & Drink Program: Susan Bruck
Town of Rochester Summer Program: Susan Bruck
Town of Rochester After School Program: Susan Bruck
Board President: Susan Bruck
Vice President: Ginger Whispell
Recording Secretary: Brittney Donovan
Treasurers: Tasha Clemmer & Roseanna Smith
Board Members
Julianna Arms
Samantha Bruck
Kathie Hikade
Thomas Jackson
Lyra Leigh-Nedbor
Laurie Roosa
Rich Roosa
Susan Bruck
Sue has been the Board President since 2017 and has lived in Ulster County most of her life. Her volunteering career has included leadership positions in Ulster County 4-H, the Marbletown Reformed Church, AYSO, and the Rondout Valley Central School District She is honored to work for and with the community creating lasting relationships and memories for everyone involved with an emphasis on removing all stigma from the food pantry experience.
Roseanna Smith
Roseanna Smith, Co-Treasurer moved to Stone Ridge five years ago and has been a member of the Board since 2018. It was the Backpack Program that first drew Roseanna to this wonderful organization, raising her awareness of the large number of needy families in her own neighborhood, and, following in the footsteps of current Board President (and one of Roseanna's role models) Sue, Roseanna hopes to help reduce the insecurity and stigma associated with accepting help from the food pantry.
Julianna Arms
Julianna bringins over 25 years of experience in early education and a deep passion for community service. She is currently the Director and Head Teacher at Lederman Children's Center where she enjoys working with preschool age children. In addition to her teaching career, Julianna worked as the children's librarian at the Stone Ridge Library for 24 years where she not only facilitated an interest in reading, but also created programs to support the young patrons in the community.
Julianna has had the pleasure of living and raising her three children in this community for the past 32 years. She believes that by supporting a community through volunteering, you not only make a direct difference in the lives of others, but you build support systems, and provide a richer environment for our children."
Julianna is grateful for the opportunity to join the Board of Directors at the Rondout Valley Food Pantry. "I look forward to working alongside these dedicated individuals who share a deep commitment to making a meaningful impact in our community."
Lyra Leigh-Nedbor
Ginger Whispell
Ginger has been the Board Vice President since 2018. She has lived in the area her entire life. She became involved with the pantry because she strongly feels that food insecurity should not be an issue. There should never be a reason for someone to worry about having enough food for themselves or their family. She believes that everyone who needs the help should feel comfortable to come to our pantry and be able to get what they need.
Tasha Clemmer
Tasha has been Co-Treasurer since 2018. She began her career as a public school Math teacher in New York City in 2004 and is currently teaching Math for Ulster BOCES's alternative high school. She is an active member of Christ the King Episcopal Church and in her free time she enjoys gardening and spending time with her family outdoors.
Samantha Bruck
Samantha has been an RVFP Board member since 2018 and has lived in Ulster County most of her life. Her volunteering career has included leadership positions in The Nature Conservancy, The Hudson Valley National Center for Veteran Reintegration (HVNCVR), Ulster County 4-H, The Tim Bruck Holiday Fund, The Stone Ridge Library, The Washington Avenue Senior Residence, and Christ The King Annual Toy Drive. She is honored to work for and with the community- creating lasting relationships and memories for everyone involved, with an emphasis on removing all stigma from the food pantry experience.
Laurie Roosa
Lorraine Waitman
I moved to Lomontville in 2012 following a long career at the United Nations. I started volunteering at the Food Pantry in 2014. In 2018 I began working as the Weekend Backpack Coordinator with other volunteers at the Food Pantry, it has been a wonderful experience. I love that our pantry focuses on neighbors helping neighbors in our community.
Thomas Jackson
Tom is liaison with the Community Church of High Falls. He retired from a long career in public service, including five terms as Town Supervisor of Marbletown. His mother Ann Jackson was a long-time volunteer at the Rondout Valley Food Pantry and Tom wanted to continue her tradition of giving back to the community through serving the Food Pantry and Backpack Program.
Rich Roosa
Brittney Donovan
Brittney Donovan has been the Recording Secretary of the Rondout Valley Food Pantry since 2018 and manages all meeting note taking. She is a graduate of Rondout Valley High School and SUNY Ulster and is an AmeriCorps alum. Brittney has extensive volunteer experience working to alleviate hunger and food insecurity throughout the United States. She enjoys serving in her community and making sure people are taken care of.
Susan Philliber
Susan Philiber, Coordinator of the Summer Breakfast/Lunch Program for Children, has lived in the Hudson Valley for more than 35 years. She and her husband ran the Youth Group program at the High Falls Reformed Church for more than 10 years. Before moving to the Hudson Valley she taught and ran a search unit at Columbia University in New York City. Philliber Research and Evaluation, in Accord, is a family-owned business, providing non-profits throughout the US and abroad with research assistance to measure the outcomes of their work.
Kathie Hikade
Kathie originally became involved with the Food Pantry as a volunteer driver during Covid and loved the people she worked with and the families she met. When the liaison between her church and the food pantry resigned after many years of service, Kathie agreed to take on the role serving as a board member.